Nicolas Grenier-Boley ; Hussein Sabra - Meeting the challenges of teaching mathematics in higher education today

epidemes:9785 - epiDEMES, 26 août 2022, 1 | 2022 -
Meeting the challenges of teaching mathematics in higher education todayArticle

Auteurs : Nicolas Grenier-Boley 1; Hussein Sabra ORCID2

Editorial to the first issue of ÉpiDEMES.Among the research in Mathematics Education devoted to higher education, two types of initiativescan be distinguished: those promoting the development of research results and those promotingreflections on mathematics teaching. In both cases, mathematics educators and Mathematicsresearchers have played – sometimes jointly – a leading role. The creation of the journalÉpiDEMES (Epijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l'EnseignementSupérieur in French) is positioned in the continuity of these efforts.

Volume : 1 | 2022
Publié le : 26 août 2022
Accepté le : 15 juillet 2022
Soumis le : 13 juillet 2022
Mots-clés : [MATH.MATH-HO]Mathematics [math]/History and Overview [math.HO],[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education,[MATH.MATH-GM]Mathematics [math]/General Mathematics [math.GM]

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