Inen Akrouti ; Slim Mrabet - Conceptions des étudiants des classes préparatoires en Tunisie sur l'intégrale de Riemann

epidemes:9847 - epiDEMES, 6 juin 2023, 2 | 2023 -
Conceptions des étudiants des classes préparatoires en Tunisie sur l'intégrale de RiemannArticle

Auteurs : Inen Akrouti ORCID1; Slim Mrabet 2,3

The integral is one of the most important topics in Calculus that is difficult to be understood by many students. When solving definite integral application problems, previous research emphasizes that students found the antiderivative procedure more useful and easier than the approximation process or area (Akrouti, 2020). This paper focuses on students' conceptions of the definite integral in the first year of preparatory class. Data were collected from students' written responses to questions that relate to their views of integration. The analysis shows that the majority of students choose the algebraic process to evaluate the proposed integrals. Participants were first-semester calculus students enrolled in a public university.

Volume : 2 | 2023
Publié le : 6 juin 2023
Accepté le : 10 octobre 2022
Soumis le : 27 juillet 2022
Mots-clés : Integral,Conception,Concept image,Approximation process,Area Detection,Area Mots-clés. Intégrale,Processus d'approximation,Aire,Processus d'approximation,Aire,Intégrale,[MATH]Mathematics [math]

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